Alternatives & Traditional

Posts tagged ‘cinnamon’

Herbs as Foods

I wonder what herbs and foods will be become prescription if the FDA gets its way to make all herbs and supplements prescription.  The FDA claims that anything in which a medical claim is made for, or that treats or mitigates a disease, or alters a function of the body is a drug and therefore under FDA regulation.  So what foods can be considered drugs and may be subject to prescription?:

Cinnamon- Shown to lower blood sugar.  Antiseptic.  Aids in digestion.

Oats- Lowers cholesterol.  As a fiber it helps regulate bowel movements and supplies silica to help in the formation of connective tissues.

Rice- Treats diarrhea.

Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts- Contain antitumor agents.  Raw broccoli can slow down an overactive thyroid.

Peanuts- Raw peanuts will slow an overactive thyroid.

Soy- Regulates hormones.  Raw, unfermented soy treats overactive thyroid.

Watermelon- All parts of the watermelon are diuretic and helps treat constipation.

Garlic- Lowers blood pressure.

Onions- Lower blood sugar.  The skins of yellow onions contain quercetin, a natural antihistamine.

Rosemary- Antioxidant and antiseptic.

Oregano- Antiseptic.

Nopales- Lowers blood sugar.  Treats enlarged prostate and lowers cholesterol.

Grapes and raisins- Contain antiviral and antitumor polyphenols.

Green, oolong, and black teas- Contain antiviral and antitumor polyphenols.

Thyme- Antibacterial and antifungal.  Thyme oil can be used to treat thrush and toenail infections.

Basil- Strongly antiviral.  Basil oil kills the herpes virus and can be applied to cold sores to treat the outbreak.

Ginger- Shown in studies to be more effective than the pharmaceutical drug Dramamine in controlling motion sickness.  Ginger also treats inflammations and pain, improves digestion and is antiseptic.

Turmeric- Shown in studies to be highly antitumor, and antiseptic.

Apples- Help to control blood sugar and suppress the appetite.

Kiwi- Treats scurvy.

Citrus- Treats scurvy.  Contains the natural antihistamine quercetin.

Strawberries- Treats scurvy.  Contains antiviral polyphenols.  Mashed strawberries can be applied to cold sores to help kill the localized virus.

Blueberries- Treats scurvy.  Contains antiviral polyphenols.  Mashed blueberries can be applied to cold sores to help kill the localized virus.  Blueberries improve vision in cases of night blindness and can help prevent macular degeneration.

Brans- Treat constipation.

Olive oil- Lowers cholesterol.

Wheat germ oil- Can help prevent cataracts and improves energy.

Cocoa- Muscle relaxant due to high magnesium content.  Magnesium in cocoa can help lower blood pressure and reduces menstrual cramps.  Phenylethylamine (PEA) in cocoa is a psychoactive compound and antidepressant.  Cocoa butter added to make chocolate treats constipation.

Carrots- Helps improve vision and fight cancer.  Supports liver function and treats constipation.

Beets- The root improves liver function and treats iron deficiency anemia.  The leaves are a methyl donor that treats inflammations, heart disease and depression.

Yogurt- Treats irritable bowel syndrome and yeast infections.

It appears that if the FDA gets its way that we will have to carry a prescription pad with us just to eat.